Monday, March 23, 2015

Garden 3.22.15

One of the (many) things I'm most excited about with my new house is that I can have a garden.  The back yard is fenced, and THIS year, I am going to grow more than just tomato plant stumps.  Ha HA! Take that, deer!

Two weekends ago, Emma and I weeded and turned over the soil in two of the four raised beds and planted onions, peas, pak choi, spinach, and two kinds of lettuce.  Those are all coming up now.  See the little green rows in the picture!

This past weekend, I cleaned out the third empty bed, and attacked the overgrown strawberry bed.  I dug out an entire wheelbarrow-full of evil grass runners, and removed a five-gallon bucket full of extra strawberry runners.  Those made some people on Freecycle very happy, and hopefully what's left in my garden will produce well. 

Strawberry bed tidied.

Removing the grass runners was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. It was oddly satisfying to pull out those great long strings of grass buried in the beds. The effort was aided greatly by two tools, seen in this picture (which I now see is out of focus, sorry). 

Best grass attackers.

When I moved in, I had a shovel, a trowel, a garden rake, and a leaf rake.  I bought the big spading fork because I thought it would be a lot easier for turning the compost pile than a shovel.  Turns out it's also fabulous for fluffing up raised beds and exposing grass roots.

That gem in my hand, though?  I bought that hand cultivator in a thrift store for a dollar, on a whim, because I've never had one and it was in good shape.  If I hadn't had that, the strawberry bed would still be full of grass.  It got all in around the plants without disturbing them (except for the ones that had to come out), and easily loosened up the grass runners so I could pull them out.  I love it.  I have named it Claw.

It feels really good to know that right now, at this exact moment in time, I'm ahead of the weeds.  It won't last, but right now, I'm winning.

Thursday, March 12, 2015


I had a marathon 4.5-hour eyelet session this evening, and finished all 183 eyelets inside the kloster/buttonhole blocks across the bottom edge of the curtain. 

Row of eyelets finished!

This puts me at roughly 11 hours of effort on the curtain so far, with one 46-inch "row" of stitching complete.

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Curtain progress

Here's some progress on my curtains.  Well, only one curtain so far!

Curtain progress

It doesn't look like much yet, but I've got the klosters and buttonhole stitches done across the entire 46-inch bottom edge.

Curtain progress

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Finished edelweiss doily!

Ta Da!

Finished hardanger doily

I'm so happy with the way this came out.  I love the abundance of edelweiss.  After I finished the two rows of five, I agonized about whether to put them on the inner rows of four as well.  I'm glad I did.

Finished hardanger doily

This pattern evolved as I went along- I just put in what seemed right.

Finished hardanger doily

This was so much fun.

Finished hardanger doily