Mammillaria bocasana roseiflora, second year in my care, second blooming.

Mammillaria zeilmanniana, second year in my care, second blooming.

Matucana aureiflora, second year in my care, second blooming.

Rebutia hoffmannii, second year in my care, second blooming.

Mammillaria backebergiana. This was blooming when I got it in March 2016, and this is its second rebloom for me. It has grown another inch taller this year, as evidenced by the scarring about two inches down, where the horrible fake flower was glued on the top when I got it.

Mammillaria bombycina, another that I got in March 2016 and on its second reblooming for me. This one also grows about an inch per year. The fuzzier, whiter part on the top 2/3 of the plant grew while it was under my care. I love this plant.

Mixed pot of Easter cacti, got it in bud a month ago and now it's blooming.

Rebutia pulchella, new last winter, first bloom for me.

Echinopsis subdenudata, new last winter, first bloom for me.

Echeveria derenbergii, first bloom in my care.

And lastly, Sedeveria 'Letizia', first bloom in my care.