Friday, November 17, 2006

What the.......

When we looked outside this morning, there was a large flock of pink plastic flamingos in our front yard. Huh? What on earth is going on? Is this our neighbors' way of telling us they don't like us? That they do like us? Some sort of weird Oregon "welcome to the neighborhood" ritual? Or just a driveby flamingo-ing?

Turns out, according to the note taped to our front door, we've been "flocked." The Chemistry Club on campus uses this as a method to raise money to attend a scientific conference later in the year. In order to get the flamingos removed from our yard, we have to make a donation to the Club. We then get to specify who gets "flocked" next.

In a way this is funny, but I'm not sure I'm OK with front yard avian extortion.


Unknown said...

Thant's kind of cool in a way. Our you college professors by any chance?

Leigh said...

*lol* Makes me glad I don't have a front yard.

Charleen said...

The Friends of the Library were doing that this year. We were "flocked" twice! I have mixed feelings about it even though we always support the library.

Suz said...

That is absolutely hilarious. And yes, I think it's a bit annoying, but I think I could swing with it *only* because it's rather clever.

Or at least to this hillbilly who'd never heard of being flocked before.