Left to right, those whorls are:
- Medium (9:1, 11:1)
- Fast (13:1, 15.5:1)
- Super High Speed (18.5:1, 22:1)
- Exceptionally High Speed (23.5:1, 27.5:1)
Super High Speed on the left, Exceptionally High Speed on the right. It's not a huge difference visually, but it is definitely noticeable when spinning. The smallest whorl really zings along. Whee!
I haven't tried cotton with it yet, but some merino/silk blend spun up very fast, smooth, and fine with long draw. I can tell right now that well prepared fiber, allowing for a very fast draw, is imperative with this whorl. I look forward to getting to know it better.
I hardly ever spin on the larger whorls, and when I pulled them out for these picture, they looked immense. Really, though, they're decently fast for spinning thicker yarn. I'm using the small side of the Fast whorl to spin my green Buttercup sweater yarn. Two batts of that down, 28 to go!