Thursday, March 19, 2009

An actual sentence extracted from a list on page 13 of the template I was given for the Regional General Permit application I am attempting to hammer into shape write:

"c. The LPB should insure that PDC and CMs are incorporated into any ICAs. If the LPB is not the COR, then the LPB must regularly coordinate with the project COR to insure the PDCs and CMs are being followed as stated in the GP."

What, you want a translation? Here:

LPB=Lead Project Biologist
PDC=Project Design Criteria
CM=Conservation Measures
ICA=Implementation Contract Agreement
COR=Contracting Officers Representative
GP=General Permit

There are a total of 28 pages (so far...) to this application. Do you wonder that writing this permit application is making me want to hide under my desk, curled up into a ball, with my arms over my head?


Lynn said...

Been there (more or less), done that. My sympathies, indeed.

Caroline M said...

Echoes of my former life there.

Good luck with that.

PJ said...

haha, like another language to me! GLWI! (Good Luck With It)