Saturday, February 02, 2013

I don't know if anyone out there in blogland is even still doing this, but it doesn't matter because it's now a personal tradition that I like.  Here's my contribution to the Eighth Annual Blogger's (Silent) Poetry Reading for St. Bridget's Day.

My sweet girl

by Sue Brady

There’s something to know
that’s bigger than me,
bigger than you…
bigger than the sum of us.

Our equation’s answer
became a negative number,
then empty in its calculation.
The stagnant smolder
has burned away even the shell.

The world goes around, and
Three becomes two minus one.
A remnant glowing spark remains…
Bright love
and the future made tangible,
her hand in mine
warms the cold ashes of me.

The world goes around;
I exhale to let go,
Let go to move on.
The world goes around,
The world goes around.
The world goes around and around.

1 comment:

PJ said...

omg...what a great poem! ...and, yes, I just came from a blog that did the same. I like how you said that, 'that I like' there is power in that that I can totally relate to!...wonderful pic of she is growing! (I know..they do that! Mine is 6'3" and is 16...oh boy!)