Sunday, September 08, 2013

Peaches.  Is there anything more quintessentially summery?


I bought 20 pounds of peaches when I was over in Kimberly, Oregon visiting a job site last Tuesday, and today they were perfectly ripe and ready to be processed.

This is the third box of peaches I've gotten this summer.  I froze the first 20 pounds and dried the second 20 pounds.  This batch, I canned.

Peaches look like summer.

Canned peaches just look like summer, all golden and radiant in their jars.

My mom used to can peaches every year, and I loved having a little dish of them for dessert in the middle of winter.  I suspect I wasn't always a willing helper back then, but I did love the end result.  These are my mom's canning jars, and it makes me so happy to be using them.

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