Friday, April 07, 2017


When I went out to hang a load of laundry on the line on Tuesday, part of the yard was still in shadow.  It had been a frosty night, and this clump of violets in the lawn was stunning. The sun was on them, but the frost hadn't melted yet.

It was so beautiful.

Frosty violets

This has been a tremendous year for violets in my yard.  Some say they are weeds, but I love them.  They only bloom for a short while in the early spring, so I enjoy them while they are out.

I have purple, lavender, pink, and white ones around the property.  The front flower bed is currently a sea of white violets.  It's a little hard to tell from this photo (it's easier if you click to embiggen), but all those white specks are violets.  I've never seen this many before.

Front flower bed

This is the beautiful bed that I love watching as summer progresses.  It has columbine, iris, flax, daylilies, golden currants, foxglove, lavender, hens and chicks, blue-eyed grass, hosta, and I don't know what all else.  It's always changing and always lovely.

And just because, here's a shot of my favorite daffodil in the yard.  At least my favorite today.

My favorite daffodil

1 comment:

Anne said...

I love how that front bed is maturing!