I finished the fourth mobile on Saturday. I think I like this one the best so far. The curvy wiggly stick on the left is so cool.

In addition to the mobiles, I also put some individual large snowflakes and garlands of three small-to-medium ones in the gallery. Two individuals and one garland have sold. Why haven’t I done this before?!
To take a break from crocheting, I spun a bit on Saturday. I got this last time I was off island, because I apparently have no power to resist the siren song of Ashland Bay Colonial top. This is 16.3 oz, in the Multicolor Green colorway.

This is such pretty stuff. It’s basically dark green, but with yellow, medium green, purple, red, light blue, royal blue, and black tossed in as well.

It spins into yarn that is a dark forest green, almost black, from a distance, but when you get close all the other colors pop out. Just beautiful.

This picture shows up a bit too blue on my monitor, but you get the idea. The singles are about 36 wpi, spun worsted, and will be three-plied.
This is my “comfort yarn”, the yarn I love to spin. It’s my default singles size. When I sat down to spin on Saturday, it was like taking a deep breath and sliding into a hot bath. Plus, this top is so well prepared that I don’t even have to think about it. My fingers just go, my foot treadles, and my mind can drift. I watch the fibers being drawn out and twisting around each other, the colors blending and changing, and it’s like I sort of step out of myself.