What concentration! I cast on 20 stitches and knit the first row slowly to show her the steps. Then I handed it off to her. She proceeded to knit the entire row, with a minimal amount of help! Learning on slippery Addi Turbos is perhaps not the best way, but she did great.

She said it was "fun" and "neat" and then asked if we could knit a sock. What have I created???!!!

She only knit the one row before moving on to the next distraction, but look at that grin of accomplishment!
There is something so magical about watching tiny hands working the needles. I love that grin!
all we can see here in philadelphia is wow. holy cow. she's getting so big! look at those little girl hands!
(crap, that should read "all we can SAY here...must get coffee...)
decaffeinated sage
o, and nice tattoo, emma! -sagelet
Nice Job Emma!
...what a great gift you have given her!
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