This is from the skein of yarn I spun from the handdyed roving given to me by Liz . The scarf is 2 oz, measures 50" x 6.5" and used about 445 yards. I have 4.5 yards of yarn left over, since I stopped before I ran out in order to maintain the pattern.

It blocked nicely, and you can really see the lattice pattern. It feels nice and soft against the skin, and I would happily wear this. It turned out shorter than I initially thought it would, but it's still long enough to toss the tails to the back and block the chill at the neck of a jacket. I'm not a fan of long scarves that get in the way, anyway.

AND, I'll have you know, those last two pictures were taken by Emma! Not bad for a three year old!
So pretty, I love it!
And great photos, Emma! I like the one she took of you with the backlit tree... very artsy. ;)
Well done - I love that pattern anyway and the yarn really goes well with it.
Good job, Emma!!
Gorgeous! What a lovely faint rainbow color! What is that stitch? I love it! I think we have a future blogger in the works! (Emma)
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