Monday, March 01, 2010

Pretty! Remember a couple weeks ago I posted about the floral happenings around my house? Well, the first Phalaenopsis 'Golden Light' flower has opened, and the second bud looks ready to pop!


And the Aerangis citrata is sooooo close to opening...

Aerangis citrata

Two of the five amaryllis buds opened today, but somehow I neglected to take a picture of them. I'll get those tomorrow.

In crocheting news, the doily is growing. Here it is Saturday night, with 15 rounds complete, and 3 hours elapsed time. Approximately 2 inches in diameter.

Sunburst Pineapple doily

And here it is last night, with 20 rounds complete, 4.5 hours elapsed time, and approximately 3 inches in diameter.

Sunburst Pineapple doily

I find tiny thread crochet oddly satisfying, in spite of the exorbitantly high hours-to-size ratio of these pieces.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I think you are a talented, creative person, and I love being allowed to see what you make. Thank you.