Friday, July 17, 2015

A ripe tomato!

Ta Da!!!

I'm so excited!  We picked the first Black Krim tomato tonight!


Isn't it a beauty.  Not huge, but so flavorful.  We sliced it up and had it with fresh basil and blue cheese crumbles.

Om nom nom. Oh my, that was good.

It was an indication of how much I love Emma, that she got three slices and I got two even though she made fun of me for arranging the plate so fussily and taking a picture. "It's just a tomato, Mom!"  Just a tomato, hmph.  I told her that the first tomato is special, and we don't have to do this every time.

It was SO delicious.

OK, OK, I'll stop now before I start composing poetry to my tomatoes. Sorry.

Also of note recently is the appearance of four baby Pacific-slope flycatchers in the nest on the front porch.  Mama Bird has been flying back and forth constantly for a week or so, and last weekend we saw the tops of fuzzy baby heads for the first time.  Now they're vocal and insistent that Mama Bird bring them food NOW!

Four hungry Pacific-slope flycatcher chicks.

Out in the back yard, Coco the house kitty is thoroughly pleased with the yard.  When we let her out, she runs straight to the shady part of lawn and flops down to survey her domain.

But it's just so comfortable...

So very pleasant...

That there's nothing to do but take a nap.

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