Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Grump grump grump. Sorry about that last post. I'm feeling much better today.

Didn't do any fibery things last night, as I was finishing the cleaning. But the house looks great now!

I've got about 5" of the sleeve done on the sunflower sweater done. Hopefully I'll be posting a picture tomorrow- I checked the location of my camera this morning, and it has left Burlington, WA. That means it was put on the Fed Ex plane this morning and will be delivered today. Isn't technology great? It lets you be so nosy and impatient.


waterlilysage said...

oh fiberysue. everyone gets to be a grump sometimes. but sometimes it's best to get the grumps out in the open! tell him to abide by the terms of his lease and race that vacuum around the house!

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. SnailspiralsSue,

Your sister and dear friend of mine Waterlilysage suggested I contact you for suggestions about fixing a knitting gaffe of mine. If you have the time, could you take a look at the latest post on http://yoko.typepad.com? I'd be much obliged.

Congrats on your house buying, too, and feh to your landlords.
