Since I haven't updated this much since
May, here's the scoop on the 12x12x18 terrarium. It's doing very well for the most part, although things did get very, very dry when we went on vacation last month, and the
Lepanthes telipogoniflora (uppermost tiny plant on the right end of the free standing log) may not make it. It's down to two leaves and I'm not optimistic.
Other than that, though, things are growing well.
Lepanthes calodictyon has grown two new leaves, and is about to bloom again.
Gastrochilus somai is developing lots of buds on both bloom spikes.
Pleurothallis grobyi (small form) that I got from Ecuagenera in April has sent up two bloom spikes. I've never seen this one bloom and am excited!
And last for today, the
Pleurothallis dressleri isn't blooming, but look how much it and its moss neighbors have grown compared to March!